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As with previous studies linking Omega-3 fatty acids with optimal health, a new analysis published in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings has found that a diet rich in these fish-derived healthy fats offers a significant benefit when it comes to heart health.

After reviewing nearly three dozen studies focusing on Omega-3 EPA and DHA, researchers determined that eating more fish oil lowers the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) by 18%. Further, according to their findings, those already at risk of heart disease benefited even more from adding more Omega-3 fats to the diet.

“From a clinical perspective, our results indicate that EPA and DHA may be associated with reducing CHD risk to a greater extent in populations with elevated triglyceride levels or LDL cholesterol, which are risk factors that impact a significant portion of the general adult population in the United States,” study authors wrote.

Data from the study are still being reviewed, and additional research may be necessary to further examine the relationship between Omega-3 EPA and DHA and heart disease risk.


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